We're Well

We’re Well is a wholistic program aimed at engaging adolescents to value and improve their overall wellness through mindfulness, physical activity, and nutrition. We're Well is a collaborative program between HealthyBR, Health Care Centers in Schools, the American Heart Association, ICARE, and YogaNoir. 


  Teaches the 5-2-1-0+10 curriculum which focus on eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, 2 hours or less of screen time, 1 hours of physical activity, 0 sugary drinks, and 10 hours of sleep


Teaches about mental health and socioemotional well being.
  Hosts cooking demos as a part of the Geaux Get Healthy program.
  Teaches mental health and socioemotional well being through deep breathing and yoga.
  The Maxine Firm is a nutrition & wellness firm. We promote healthy lifestyle changes through community outreach, worksite wellness, seminars, symposiums.
Currently the We're Well program partners with Big Buddy's afterschool program Glen Oaks Middle and High School students. Each student is given journal and a program booklet with the programs activities, fact sheets, recipes and more. At the end of the 5 week program students also receive a t-shirt, water bottle, and other treats. Plans are for expanding the program to additional locations in 2022/2023.