Better Health Starts With You

The people in our community want safe, vibrant neighborhoods, access to fresh, healthy food, healthy mothers, children, and families, and activities and programs designed to help us live fuller, healthier lives.

Across our city, programs and organizations are working together to improve the health and well-being of our community. The Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) helps us better understand where and why health outcomes differ across our community, how various health factors can influence these outcomes, and how policies and programs can help create a healthier Baton Rouge for all.

Your Opinion Matters – Your Voice Counts

Every three years, local hospitals are tasked with prioritizing the community's health needs as part of the Community Health Needs Assessment. We want your voice counted.

Please take a few minutes to let us know what you think are our prioritized health needs. Rank these issues from most important #1 to least important #10. If you want a report of this survey, please provide your e-mail address at the end. Thank you for your time!

Did You Know? Baton Rouge Helped Pioneer Collaborative CHNAs

With the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, all tax-exempt hospitals are now required to complete a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and Implementation Plan every three years. This document defines the community a hospital serves, what the significant health needs there are, and how the hospital is working to address those needs.

In 2012, federal regulations allowed hospitals to complete this process individually or collaboratively. The Mayor’s Healthy City Initiative brought our partner hospitals together and was one of the first communities in the country to have partner hospitals work together to create a Joint CHNA and Community Implementation Plan. While this is a huge accomplishment in itself, because all our healthcare partners work on the same priorities from the same plan, it also allows us to work together to address these significant health needs in the community.

The 2024 CHNA is currently underway! Check back soon! And to stay up-to-date on healthy happenings in BR, make sure you sign up for our newsletter down below.

2021 CHNA Final Spread (1)
2021 East Baton Rouge Parish Community Health Implementation Plan
2021 CHIP 06.01.2022
2021 East Baton Rouge Parish Community Health Needs Assessment
2018 East Baton Rouge Parish Community Health Implementation Plan
2018 East Baton Rouge Parish Community Health Needs Assessment
2015 Community Health Implementation Plan
2015 East Baton Rouge Parish Community Health Needs Assessment