Healthy Communities

The people in our community want safe, vibrant neighborhoods, access to fresh, healthy food, healthy mothers, children, and families, and activities and programs designed to help us live fuller, healthier lives. Across our city, programs and organizations are working together to improve the health and well-being of our community.

Safe, Hopeful, Healthy BR

Safe, Hopeful Healthy BR works with Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome’s Healthy City Initiative to create a safe, hopeful, and healthy Baton Rouge for all.

10-Minute Walk Initiative

While Baton Rouge is home to a nationally acclaimed park system, too many of our residents can’t safely and easily walk to a park or greenspace.

Free Summer Meals for Kids

A healthier BR starts with healthy, happy kids. And growing kids need access to fresh, healthy food all year long. Get your free meals for kids!

Healthy Partnerships

We are a community of partners working to make Baton Rouge a healthier place for all.

Food Insecure In BR

Far too many in Baton Rouge live on the edge of hunger. 70,000 people in our community live in food deserts, living more than one mile away from a grocery store. Even more live in food swamps, where fast food is readily available and affordable but healthy food is not.

This lack of access to healthy foods has dire consequences for community health. People who live in food deserts and food swamps face far higher rates of chronic illnesses, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

HealthyBR launched Geaux Get Healthy in 2019 to increase access to affordable fresh food and the resources people need to live a healthy life.

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