10-Minute Walk Initiative

Working to Create Access to Parks for All Baton Rougians

Healthy communities thrive on access to green spaces, fresh air, and a rich variety of outdoor and recreation experiences designed to help us live fuller, healthier lives. And while Baton Rouge is home to a nationally acclaimed park system, too many of our residents can’t safely and easily walk to a park or greenspace.

Having a park close to home provides proven health, climate and community benefits, but systemic inequities in both park access and quality persist in our community. That’s why Baton Rouge is proud to be one of 13 cities nationally working to advance park equity in Baton Rouge.

The 10-Minute Walk Park Equity Accelerator (PEA), a Trust for Public Land award-winning national program, provides focused resources and technical assistance, partnership, and education to help cities like Baton Rouge to help move the needle on park equity for all residents. As an organization whose mission is to connect everyone with the joys of the outdoors, programs like the Park Equity Accelerator are critical to expanding access to nature and helping our citizens reap the many rewards that parks and greenspaces offer.

10-Minute Walk Park Equity Accelerator

These focused, local initiatives field-test policy ideas, gather real-world insights on the process of change, and amplify learnings that can be scaled to benefit other communities. The Accelerator supports cities as they pilot new ways of increasing park equity. It also identifies lessons learned and shareable examples that will drive learning and innovation in other cities.

As part of the Part Equity Accelerator, Baton Rouge is working to assess our city’s plan of government and existing policies to identify where opportunities exist to update or create policies that advance park equity.

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